
Sunset in Cairo....

| louis at 11:41


Spent the whole day today at home.. just fiddling with old photos.. sorting some of them out and all that... then, i spent some moments just thinking about my grandmother and my dad ...

dad's death anniversary is coming up in 19th August.

coincidentally, i caught a bit of 'Elizabeth' town the other nite.

About how Orlando bloom back to his dad's old town to cremate his dad and to 'reconnect' with him. Then i downloaded the soundtrack. this particular song that i liked from the movie.. by ELTON JOHN - My Father's Gun. And it's about 'A great song of loss and remembrance and carrying on in someone's memory' - taken from another site.

while listening to that song, it brought me back to Aug 2000. During my dad's wake. I met so many people, from so many different groups - very much like how Orlando bloom was greeted with all these people at the dad's old town... people that he's never met before.

There were workers from Bintan (where he worked before his death) that came all that way to the casket at Lavender street. There were old army friends, old friends from his Kendo classes, people that i've probably seen when i was a small boy.,.. etc etc.

And at that time, i was quite overwhelmed. The kind of influence that my dad had with the people in his life... but that's very him.

I remember this indian chap,... who came one afternoon.
he just sat there. and teared. Then when i spoke to him, he gave me a poem that he'd wrote for my dad. apparently they were from army or something.. and there was a long story which i've forgeotten,.. but i still have that poem.. tucked in the box.

oh wellz..

so the song's on my repeat... and my dad's day is on the 19th Aug...

'it's been 5 yrs........

| louis at 04:02


it's been awhile since i've done a 4-sector so... i'm pretty tired and worn down, not by work or anything much related, just tired down.

Was walking ard myeongdong and i've concluded that that area has totally nothing for males. In fact 90% of shopping around the world are catered to the female of the species. What does this show? That women have more spending power? or that women date men with spending power on them.. haha.

And yet anther mindless tot while i was walking back from the supermart...:

"People digging up hidden secrets are like men who peek under women's skirts. Just like how a great story teller is akin to someone wearing flashy bikini.:

| louis at 17:38

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Location: singapore, Singapore


something from awhile back
it's been awhile
the snow at grouse
last post 2007
okie.... it's been a long while.. min min reminded...


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